Dodge Repair: 2005 dodge grand caravan, dodge grand caravan, 2005 dodge grand caravan
QuestionQUESTION: the power door on my van does not want to close by itself. We have to push it in to close. Any advice? Where can i find the code list for my van? thanks judy.
ANSWER: sounds like a regulator and motor assembly. what code are u looking for
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: my husband adjusted it... and it seems like it is working for now... I am looking for a list of all the codes for the 2005 dodge grand caravan, but i don't know where to find them. thanks.
Answeru can look online I am sure there are places to which they will have them. OOO I am sorry I though u said driver window
I see door latches cause this kinda issue with the doors and the wire harness snaps as well on the lower end of the trax.