Dodge Repair: 1998 Grand Caravan Ignition/Starting issue, grand caravan, issue question
QuestionQUESTION: Hi, My 1998 caravan with 135K miles is having problems starting. A few months ago, intermittently when I turned the key I hear a "click" sound instead of the usual turn over of the engine. I would turn it off and back on again and the engine would crank and turn over. Lately, this problem is no longer intermittent. I would click a couple to several times before finally the engine kicks in. The engine has always kicked in eventually though. I'm at a lost and just want to know if it's worth fixing? Thanks for your help.
ANSWER: starter
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QUESTION: Starter? hmmm. The entire unit or just to solenoid? I thought about that but the sound is a signal click like from a fuse and not a continuous clicking sound from the usual starter failure. What else might it be? Faulty ignition switch?
Also, thanks for the offer but I'm actually in Seattle.
Answera fuse does not make noise a battery is fast clicks a starter is a single click or clunk. hit the starter with a hammer and watch it start up for u. U can call around and see if u want to rebuild it or just replace the whole thing for 125 bucks and 30 min of your time. and IGN switch would not make noise either u just wont get power to anything or a certain circuit.