Dodge Repair: 2002 dodge caravan, dodge caravan, fan work
QuestionQUESTION: alright i asked a question about this before but without the details i have up to now. i checked the blower motor by hardwiring new resistors..doesnt work. the climate control is getting power to it because if i switch the defroster or vent they change but for some reason im not getting power to the resistors or motor. all known fuses check out. if you know where i could be losing power or ground i would greatly appreciate it thanks.
ANSWER: if u asked it b4 I need to know what the original question is and what I have said b4 hand.
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QUESTION: well u never answered my other question so i thought i would put it in better detail for you its about the blower motor for the heating system for a 2002 dodge caravan i cant figure out why its not working after putting in a new resistor and checking to see if the blower works. it gets power to the panel but is gone somewhere after that. dont know where all the ground wires are and are all the fuses under the hood? thanks
Answeryour still dancing around the question at hand. Cut and pate what U asked me and what I said so I have some sorta idea of what I am dealing with here. I went back through 15 pages of questions back to 3/01 and did not see your name. The fan is not working correct? The way this system works is with the key on U get power at the blower motor then as u turn the knob for fan speed u will get ground through the resistor and through the control head then to a common ground. Does the fan work on #4 setting or not?