QuestionQUESTION: my question is. are tHe cam followers (lifters) sUpplied individuallY or are they all oiled from a single common oil passage.
ANSWER: what engine size?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: 2.7 of course,the car (99 intrepid)only has 70K on her but developed oil pressure problems, after replacing said oil pump my brother took for a ride, everything good but soon o/p dropped and scraping noise. He immediately shut down and I tore off the pan and replaced rod brngs plastiguaged at .0015 start car,lower end quiet but clattering under valve cover.quiet at idle, loud at 1100 rpm also clatters on initial start up
The lubrication system is a full flow filtration pressure feed type. Oil from the oil pan is pumped by an geroter type oil pump directly coupled to the crankshaft Cylinder Block Oil Lubrication System Oil pressure is controlled by a relief valve mounted inside the oil pump housing. See Cylinder Block Oil Lubrication System , Cylinder Head Oil Lubrication System - Left Side , and Cylinder Head Oil Lubrication System - Right Side for engine oil lubrication circuits
Oil Pump Oil Filter Mounting (inlet) Main Oil Gallery - Center of Block 1. Crankshaft Main Bearings
Oil Filter Mounting (inlet) Oil Filter - 2. Left Cylinder Head*
Oil Filter Oil Filter Mounting (outlet) - 3. Right Cylinder Head*
Oil Filter Mounting (outlet) Oil Gallery - Right side of Block Crankshaft Main Bearings Connecting Rod Bearings
Oil Gallery - Right side of Block Oil Gallery - Rear of Block Left Cylinder Head Refer to Cylinder Head Oil Lubrication System - Left Side
Oil Gallery - Rear of Block Main Oil Gallery - Center of Block Right Cylinder Head Refer to Cylinder Head Oil Lubrication System - Right Side
* The cylinder head gaskets have an oil restrictor to control oil flow to the cylinder heads.
Left Cylinder Head Oil Inlet Gallery (intake side of head) Oil Gallery and Accumulator - Rear of Head*
Oil Gallery and Accumulator - Rear of Head* 1. Exhaust Camshaft Oil Passage
- 2. Intake Camshaft Oil Passage
Left Exhaust Camshaft Oil Passage 1. Left Exhaust Camshaft Journals
- 2. Hydraulic Valve Lash Adjusters and Rocker Arms
- 3. Left Camshaft (Secondary) Chain Tensioner**
Left Intake Camshaft Oil Passage 1. Left Intake Camshaft Journals
- 2. Hydraulic Valve Lash Adjusters and Rocker Arms
* When oil reaches the back of the cylinder head, the oil gallery feeds oil into an accumulator chamber that is located towards center of the head. The accumulator chamber is closed off with a pressed in core plug that has a small orifice to act as a vent. Oil then travels down at a 45 degree angle from the accumulator into two passages, one for the intake and one for the exhaust side of the cylinder head.
** The secondary camshaft chain tensioner is the last component to receive oil on the left cylinder head.
Right Cylinder Head Oil Inlet Gallery (intake side of head) Oil Gallery and Accumulator - Rear of Head*
Oil Gallery and Accumulator - Rear of Head* 1. Exhaust Camshaft Oil Passage
- 2. Intake Camshaft Oil Passage
Right Exhaust Camshaft Oil Passage 1. Right Exhaust Camshaft Journals
- 2. Hydraulic Valve Lash Adjusters and Rocker Arms
- 3. Right Camshaft (Secondary) Chain Tensioner
- 4. Primary Timing Chain Tensioner - Right Head**
Right Intake Camshaft Oil Passage 1. Right Intake Camshaft Journals
- 2. Hydraulic Valve Lash Adjusters and Rocker Arms
* When oil reaches the back of the cylinder head, the oil gallery feeds oil into an accumulator chamber that is located towards center of the head. The accumulator chamber is closed off with a pressed in core plug that has a small orifice to act as a vent. Oil then travels down at a 45 degree angle from the accumulator into two passages, one for the intake and one for the exhaust side of the cylinder head.
** The timing (primary) chain tensioner is the last component to receive oil on the right cylinder head.