Dodge Repair: 2001 durango slt 4.7ltr vent/heater selector, vac line, ac lines

QUESTION: when selecting floor/face/defroster, it seems all mixed up
like the switch faulty. or a door not moving properly. just
purchaced it and dont know the mechanics on this yet. very
mechanically inclined. not much coming out of the floor vent. switch to floor and get some face and defrost. thank you for you time and knowledge.

ANSWER: look under the hood  see if the vac line is almost off and if u have good vac at the connector by the ac lines going into the fire wall  then go look at the vac lines and actuators under the dash.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I thank you for your good advice. I sort of looked today
for some sort of vac lines, but really didnot see any.
I'll look more closely tomorrow. - so this switch gets
vaccuum and not all electronic to move servo motors to
move the doors???

I goofed sorry   the doors are all electric no vac  they changed over in 2000 to all electric and no more vac on the durango. OK with that unplug your battery for 30 seconds  and reset the control head  make it relearn the doors see what that does for u. If not  u would be looking at broken mode  door or the motor itself is bad.