Dodge Repair: pinion seal replacement, dodge ram 1500, side bearings

I recently had the drive shaft stolen from my 98 Dodge Ram 1500 4X4 while parked at the airport. Drove straight to the dealer, approx 10 moles, where I found the drive shaft missing. Had to get one made since you can't get them from Dodge. Dealer installed and also replaced the pinion seal. I drove 400 miles home and was having loud readend noise. Took it to the local dealer and he says the bearings are bad. DO YOU THINK THIS WAS DUE TO IMPROPER PINION SEAL REPLACEMANT AND OR TORQUE ON THE YOLK NUT? I've read about the torqueing issues and am a mechanical enginerr so I am having a hard time understanding how this would be fine until the pinion seal and driveshaft were replaced and then go bad RIGHT AWAY. Please help. I am having the dealer fix the rear for about $1100.00 and want to go back to the dealer that replaced the pinion seal and get some justice but I'd like another opinion.

U cant get a drive shaft  are u kidding me???
U had to have a new yolk installed because of the new drive shaft   then yeah  if the noise  u hear was the pinion bearing   it more then likely took out the side bearings as well.
Inorder to remove the pinion seal the yolk has to be taken out  and the one time use crush sleeve that is behind the seal has to be re crushed to correct spec  or u get seal failure  and incorrect pinion preload on the bearings  and will make them fail.  So yeah I would say the first dealer messed up and caused the issue U have now  any rear end man knows this.