Dodge Repair: chryslerr 1996 town and country Blower motter, chrysler town and country, fuse box

QUESTION: air duct moter stopped working
moter checks good, resister block checks good, relay and fuses in fuse box check good.there is  no power at the switch.
switch checks good. is there a cut out relay or fusable link. if so were would it be if not what could the problem be

ANSWER: what kinda car are we talking about?

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QUESTION: 1996 Chrysler town and country
sorry about that

ANSWER: does it work on high speed  or no speed at at all?
have u checked to see if u have power at the blower motor?
The switch will show ground for the different settings u put it in  not power.

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QUESTION: there is a black/ brown stripe wire and a blue wire that go to the air duct motor and I do not get any power from either wire.
and the swith in the dash test good.
is there a relay somewere up on the air duct for these wires and if so were would it be ?

go under the hood  look for blower motor fuse  40 amp make sure its good if yes then go to the blower motor relay and with a test light see if u get power on pin 4 when u have the key on. With key one u should have 2 pins that have power if u only have one  then u would be looking at an ign switch,wires or junction block