Dodge Repair: Fuel pump replacement, engine wiring harness, water separator

QUESTION: My diesel truck would not start when warm so a mechanic tapped on the fuel pump. it started then. He suggested I replace the pump. How do I do that?

ANSWER: what kinda truck?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: 1997 Dodge 1 ton Dully with a Cummins diesel.

I live in MInnesota to far away to get it to you. Besides it will not start.

ANSWER: did he hit the lift pump or the injection pump??  one is 2k and one is a few hundred bucks.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I replaced the lift pump and now I need to bleed the lines because I can't get it to start. I have fuel to the filter but then I am not sure how to get the air out of the  line to the injector pump.  

DRAINING WATER FROM FILTER CANISTER: The filter should be drained whenever the water-in-fuel warning lamp remains illuminated. (Note that the lamp will be illuminated for approximately two seconds when ignition key is initially placed in ON position for a bulb check)

A drain hose is located at bottom of drain valve Fuel Filter/Water Separator Components Place a drain pan under drain hose. With engine not running, rotate valve handle forward to DRAIN position Drain Valve at Fuel Filter/Water Separator Hold drain valve open until all water and contaminants have been removed and clean fuel exits the drain hose. If fuel filter or WIF sensor is being replaced, drain the canister completely. Dispose of mixture in drain pan according to applicable regulations. After draining operation, rotate valve handle rearward to CLOSE position Drain Valve at Fuel Filter/Water Separator If fuel filter or WIF sensor is being replaced, proceed to next step.

Remove drain hose at drain valve Fuel Filter/Water Separator Components
Disconnect Water-In-Fuel (WIF) sensor electrical connector pigtail harness from main engine wiring harness. The WIF sensor is located at side of filter canister Fuel Filter/Water Separator Components
Remove filter canister nut at top of header Drain Valve at Fuel Filter/Water Separator
Lower canister assembly from header.
Remove and discard center o-ring Fuel Filter/Water Separator Components
Remove filter element (cartridge) from canister..
Remove WIF sensor and its seal from canister Water-In-Fuel Sensor
Inspect WIF sensor probes Water-In-Fuel Sensor Carefully clean contaminants from sensor probes with a cloth if necessary. Replace sensor if probes are covered with contaminants and will not clean up.