Dodge Repair: 2003 DR 1500 AC Blower, fuse, vin
QuestionI saw a reply that you made on 9/28/2007 about this problem for another reader, but I could not find out what year model the person had probs with.
My last 8 vin is: 3s274987
The reason that I suspect the ign switch too is that in the past when it was acting up I would turn the ign switch on and off, and it would start working again, it only got worse and finally quit all together. I checked the fuse/relay panel, and noticed that the ign switch and the ac blower are on the same fuse...
Answerthe blower does not work?? take the ign switch connector off and see if the top 2 wires are burnt they are the ones that go to the blower if they are burnt u can get a repair kit where u cut the wires and install new ones and replace the ign switch. Just let me know and I can get the part numbers.