QuestionI have a few questions, some are minor ( i hope). First off my truck is a 02 dakota, 4.7 auto
1) When I stop at red lights, stop signs, in traffic, or at my destination, my truck seems to idle around 1000rpm and it's usually at 500-600. it's only been happening recently as i recall, and it's starting to piss me off. I have noticed sometimes if I give it some gas (around 3000rpm) it will calm down. I'm thinking this is the TPS or something but I'm not quite sure how to check it.
2) While the motor runs it almost hisses, i've heard this is normal, but i'm still not sure.
3) As i go down the highway, the tranny seems to sleep into neutral for a split second and the rpms jump about 300-400. Could this be because of the tps?
4) When i start my truck and it's cold, it almost sounds like the rockers are rattling, could this be because they are dry? or are they loose?
Answerpart 1 check to see if your throttle body is clogged up and around the AIC motor as well.
2 U have a vac leak some where more then likely also causing your high idle.
3 What speed do u see the tranny slip and does it always happen at the same speed.
4 Are u using the correct weight oil in and a Chrysler filter? or a filter that has the check valve in it like a Chrysler filter?