Dodge Repair: 1998 Voyager air filter change, frame support, filter change


This is the first time I'm trying this. I was able to take the whole air filter box off the van's body, but I'm having a hard time to take the box apart. It looks the top and bottom are glued together. Did I miss something?

Thanks in advance.


ANSWER: u remove the upper part  2 clamps  one on the throttle boxy and the other to the air filter housing. U then remove the 2 10 mm bolts  take that peace off  then 1 more 10mm to remove the air filter housing.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: >then 1 more 10mm to remove the air filter housing.
Where is the 10 mm located? As I said, I was able to remove the entire housing, but couldn't take it apart to replace the filter itself. Would you mind show me a picture?



there is no pictures for this  stand in front of the van look down to see the hole where u can see the filter though  move up to the top there will be a 10 mm bolt facing toward the upper support the same place u took the first 2 10mm out  this one will be on the back side of that frame support.