Dodge Repair: A/C Blower, steering wheel cover, time and patience

QUESTION: The last four of my vin is 142604.  I really appreciate your time and patience, TJ

ANSWER: the last 8 of your vin

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: It is 2g142604, thx.

man  I am sorry  I was looking under the BR/BE truck line  u have  DR  early  1500.  OK your blower motor is not working correct? no power to the motor. This is what u do  u have a bad ign switch and i bet the connector to it is also burnt up.
Remove the steering wheel cover  3 screws. The ign switch will have a red lock tab move it to the driver side then on top will be a white looking thing get under it and it will lift up a slider on the ign switch connector  go up all the way and then remove the connector   the top 2 big wires will more then likely be burnt and the same with the ign switch. If i am right then let me know I will get the part number for the switch and connector repair  U will need to cut all the wires one by one and splice in new wires which the kit includes.