Dodge Repair: Car wont start, hammer and screw, 1996 dodge avenger
Questionyou didn't answer my question? I stated I have a 1996 Dodge Avenger v6 2.5l, and the car won't start. Your response was if it was a fast click, 1 click or no click. My answer was no clivk from the inside. However if the hood is up you can hear the battery make a click when you turn the ignation. Do you know what the problem maybe????
AnswerI haft to get a base line of what the prob is thats why i asked. The battery has no moving parts there for can not make a noise. Get 2 people one to start the car the other to find the starter relay and feel for it to click when u turn over the car that is what I would figure is part of your clicking noise. IF that is making a click u can feel it then what u want after that is a hammer and screw driver. Find a place to where u can hit the starter with out touching the big red wire and hit it while some one else is starting up the car if it starts when u hit it u need a new starter.I live in the Atlanta area I would be glad to look at it for u.