Dodge Repair: Dodge AC problem, dodge dealer, dodge durango
QuestionQUESTION: I have a 2003 dodge durango the air conditoning system has failed 3 times in the past and the last ime they claim to have replaced the entire system. it is now doing the same thing as before the rear zone is blowing out cool air fine but the front zone is only blowing out warm and hot air is this a low freon problem or some type of switch trouble - do i have to take it top dodge or can a air contioning shop check it out.
ANSWER: well apparently the places that u have taken it to did not know what they were doing on the AC part don't u think?
And BTW who is they and what did they replace? I doubt the whole system was replaced because u would not have this issue if it was totally replaced. And that would be just guessing on the shops part.I live in the Atlanta area I would be glad to look at it for u.
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QUESTION: they is the dodge dealer i bought it from and yes they claimed they replace the entire system - however im in new jersey- the truck has 32, 000 miles on it but the warranty expired at 3 years ( ibout it in 2004 - do you think i should complain to the regional office and do you think it will do any good - otherwise in your opinion is this a freon issue or a hardware issue ?? any ideas.
AnswerI cant tell u if its a part issue or what might be the cause I can only tell u that if i was to look at it for myself.
If u had the ac part worked on by a dealer 3 different times and it still not fixed go back to them and talk to the service manager and see what he can do for u. Plus u did not tell me what they did replace in the first place get the docs and tell me.