Dodge Repair: 97 dodge ram shifter problem, knee panel, pin holes

QUESTION: my 1997 dodge ram will not shift on the column. the shifter moves but doesn't go into gear. when i pop the hood and shift the linkage on the steering column coming out of the firewall, everything shifts fine. this makes me believe it is in the column. my question is, how do i get to the linkage and how do i know if i am fixing the problem?

ANSWER: remove the knee panel and the steering wheel cover only  a few screws.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i don't think i described my problem correctly. i can get to the column, but not the linkage inside the column. it has a expanded metal cover over the sleeve of the column that houses the linkage. how do i get inside the column?

does not look like u can get inside the linkage  here is how to remove the linkage .GEAR SHIFT LEVER
Support the steering column assembly as shown in Gear Shift Lever using a suitable size socket.
Using a drift of the appropriate size drive the roll pin out of the steering column and gear shift lever. Remove the gear shift lever from the steering column assembly.
Support the steering column using a suitable size socket.
Install the gear shift lever into the steering column assembly. Align the roll pin holes in the gear shift lever and the steering column assembly.
Carefully Install the roll pin into the steering column assembly and through the shift lever. If the roll pin binds check the alignment on the holes. Be sure roll pin is fully installed into the steering column assembly.