Dodge Repair: 2000 dodge truck, dodge truck, fuel pump

QUESTION: out of the blue one morning it wont start-had it towed-to garage-it started-picked it up- few days later wont start again--mech-put some equipment on it=-not fuel pump--he said its something electrical--took it to garage--its starting up again---its off and on--runs great-just takes moods and wont start

ANSWER: with out any idea of what he has done i cat tell u where to go  
things like this would have a list to large to post on here.

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QUESTION: nothing has been done yet--it wont spark every time--could it be somekind of control module
ANSWER: computers are the last thing u should look at.  How do u know it does not have spark? What did u use to test that?

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QUESTION: the mechanic said- sorry to bother you -i wont look on the computer at this web site again--you are rude

welcome  sorry  it not my fault if your mechanic does not know what he is doing. I haft to go behind u and ask questions on how he tested spark  I dont know his level of knowledge on trucks and how they work. For all i know he could be some one that changes oil for a living.