Dodge Repair: dodge ram 1500 5.9 L 4wd 65,000 miles, dodge ram 1500, diesel mechanic
Questionmy dad was towing our boat up the hill and it died it just went out of warranty it flashed milage twice and said no bus i know this is a communinication network for computers after lettin it sit for a few minutes before he told me about the no bus i thought it might be vapor lock so i purged the fuel line at the pressure port it fired right up after died another five minutes later on our road i purged the fuel line again and it fired up... he says it dies after letting it coast... im thinkin it might be something temp sensitive what do you think? ckp cmp? im a diesel mechanic for waste management just to let u know also is this no bus odometer flash a chrysler thing only?
Answerwell u would be looking at a computer taking out the system or the PCM it self taking a dump. The PCM would be under a 8 year or 80k warranty but a dealer would haft to replace it if it is the prob. What u will need to do is keep the key on and let it say no bus then start unplugging computers start with the PCM first see if the no bus goes away when it does then u more then likely found your prob.