Dodge Repair: Sudden loss of all electrical, emergency flashers, auto parts store
Question1985 Dodge D150, 318 engine. Normally the charge/discharge guage does nothing. Today it was pegging offscale, particularly to the right. When I got to my destination, I shut the truck off and went inside. When I returned a few minutes later, nothing worked, except for emergency flashers. Was next door to an auto parts store and they checked the battery, it's OK. Odd, no cab lights, no ignition, no dash lights, no horn, no head or tail lights, nothing. Only emergency flashers. I could smell in the cab that something burned, but what?
AnswerHi Keith,
Check your battery cable going to the starter and make sure that you have good conections at both ends. There is an ignition switch located on the bottem of the steering column. This is probably what burned up and also the reason you don't have any electrical. Pull this ingnition switch off and get a new one. Replace that and I feel sure you will have fixed the problem.
Cowboy 1104