Dodge Repair: Ignition wires, discount auto parts stores, discount auto parts
QuestionI have a 1995 Isuzu Rodeo. (there are not Isuzue experts on the site, but this is a general question) It is a V6. For some reason it is getting 10 miles per gallon. This seems a bit low. I've been thinking about changing the spark plugs and ignition wires. The factory wires are 7mm. I've been considering getting performance wires, (either 8mm or 9mm) Should this make a difference in milage & performace, and is there a point when the wires are too thick? IE< would 10-12 mm be toomuch Why or why not?
Thanks Eric
The thickness of your wires while letting more spark get to the spark plugs wouldn't nesassarally make you get a noticable increase in fuel milage. I would get regular wires and new spark plugs. Placing a magnet around the fuel line where it goes into the system will change the molicular structure of the fuel and will give a slight increase in milage. There is some type of tunnel that I have heard people say increases their fuel milage also. They get them at discount auto parts stores such as Auto Zone.
The cunductor in a spark plug wire is a carbon fiber. The thicker the more voltage that can pass through it. However. This also causes resistance in the wires so yes you can get to much for just a stock distributor and coil.
Cowboy 1104