Dodge Repair: information on tensioner, dodge neon 2005, serpentine belt tensioner
QuestionHow do you remove the serpentine belt tensioner on a dodge neon 2005?
AnswerVERY seriously, it should bolt on; are you wanting to remove the tensioner or change the belt ? To remove it, is simply removing the bolts, after you unload the tensioner. Most, I have seen have a notch or application where you can insert a tool such as a breaker bar and leverage the tensioner over to remove the belt. I am not rela familiar with this vehicle as almost all of my experience is with trucks.
What I would highly recommend is go to a PEP Boys / Advance Auto Parts etc and pickup a copy of the chiltons manual for this car.....they are usually only about 15 bucks and will give complete details and pictures on how to do this
good luck