Dodge Repair: electrical problems, rear defroster, discount auto parts
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i recently bought a 94 dodge caravan, the rear defroster was disconnected so i reconnected it. after i did that the radio,keyless entry, and the power locks won't work(that is all i noticed that didn't work so far). i was wondering what did i blow and how much will it cost to fix?
Answer -
The rear defroster probably has a short. Disconnect the rear defroster. Then check all of the vuses. Then replace all that are blown.
Cowboy 1104
i checked all the fuses that are i the van i i didn't see any that are blown what else could it be?
The power door locks and the keyless entry work off of a module. If the fuse isn't blown then you should get a repair manual from a discount auto parts place and go to the trouble shooting section. The manual should tell you how to check the module.
As for the radio you will have to start at the fuse block and work your way out from there. The manual will also have a wiring diagram which is color coded with the color of wires that go to each thing.
Cowboy 1104