Dodge Repair: 93 Dodge Stealth Wire Harness, dodge stealth, wire harness
Question I am thinking about buying a '93 Dodge stealth but the battery caught fire and burned the wire haness and a few other things. I was wondering somewhat around how much it was going to cost to fix it and were to find the parts.
The Best thing to do is go on line and find another wiring harness. Then look where the plugs are and unplug 1 plug and plug the new one in. Don't just go in and start unplugging wires. As you unplug one plug the new one in. Also make sure the battery has been unhooked for at least 5 minutes before attempting to unplug and replug anything. If you touch the wrong thing you may set off the airbags. Unless you know something about cars take it to an Auto Electric place and have it done.
Cowboy 1104