Dodge Repair: code 41 and 46, plymouth grand voyager, discount auto parts

i own a 94 plymouth grand voyager 3.3L, recently the van started running rough intermitently, used some fuel addatives (dint help), did the key codes got 12, 41, 46 and 55. 12 is batt disconnect, 41 and 46 are bad or low voltage, and 55 is code end......alternator is putting out 18-20 volts, replaced it for a tidy sum (twice) and problem is still there...altho, i have not ran the vehicle long enuff to get it to falter like it was originally, to afraid to 'cook' something with that amount of voltage. is there a volatage regulator of some sort?....or is it part of alternator? if there is an external voltage regulator....where would i locate it? thx for any help

A 94 Grand Voyager has an inturnal voltage regulator, located inside the alternator.  it should put out between 13.5 and 14.5 volts.  I would invest in a repair manual that you can get from most any discount auto parts store.  If you are going to try to make repairs yourself.  This is a must.

Cowboy 1104