I have a 1998 Dodge Neon SOHC 2.0, 82,300 mi. I've had her since 2000. Due to age and heavier use, I've started to have problems w/ her this past year and have spent a chunk of change every 3-5 months.
Lately I have noticed that especially on extremely hot days (90+ degrees), my Neon hesitates to start in the morning, especially after sitting for the weekend and starting on Monday morning. If I have trouble in the morning, it usually gets started by the second try and then starts fine all through the day, even after sitting for 10 hours while I work. Usually I only need to try once but just hold the key in "start" until it turns over, I'd say in 10 seconds. Sometimes I have a problem for several days in a row, then the problem just seems to disappear and it starts right up for weeks at a time. However, the other day, I turned the key and it struggled to turn over, and still struggled when I let the key go from "start" to "on". It struggled and just turned over on its own after about 10 seconds. I was completely unsure whether it would shut off or start. Does any of this ring a bell w/ something specific I should have checked (namely a costly repair)? It's odd b/c it seems to disappear and reappear.
Also, oddly enough, the warning chime for leaving keys in the ignition and headlights on (when door is opened) has stopped working completely. The chimes work for starting the car, but the warning chime does not work at all. Any clue why this could be? Everything but the warning chime seems to function properly.
Thanks in advance.
AnswerHello hun
The chime would not have anything to do with this that could be a simpile fuse .
Now I belive you have picked up wayer in the tank or some dirt in the tank .
Have the gas filter changed a 50 dollor charge at a shop and tell them to as fuel engt cleaner to the tank.
this will solve the problem.
Good luck to u hun and if you need more helpo let me know and you have a pretty name pete