Dodge Repair: 97 Dodge Neon Back Seat, dodge neon, salvage yard

Ok, I did what you told me and I found that the back part of the seat is only hooked at the top but it has nothing holding it on the bottom. The Cushion part of the seat is very tightly held down but the bottom of the back part is not, and because of that stuff that I have inside the trunk often slide to the back seat. Is there anything I can do or anything I can adapt to the back bottom so that I can somehow bolt/tighten it? Thanks for your help.


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Question -
Hello. I have a 1997 2-door Dodge Neon with bolted back seats (not the split kind). The problem is that it seems that from the left side, the back part looks like it's popping out. I've tried pushing it in really hard, I've sat on it and put pressure on it, and nothing works. I tried to find the problem from inside the trunk by removing the padding, but I couldn't find a latch or anything. It's really a problem because whenever I have something small on the back seat, it slides into the trunk and vice versa and the more time that passes, the more the more outward the back of the seat is. I'm scared that soon it will end up comming completely off! Any suggestions? Thanks!

Answer -
The seat cushion (butt part) should slide back in to place against the back rest part.  Once in to place the front section of the seat (backside of calf area) should have metal loops that pop down in to place.  To disengage and remove the seat cushion part you should pull rather violently straight up and then pull forward.  

If that section of the seat is not holding in place then I would suspect that the metal part of the cushion may be bent out of place.  The section in the floorboard might be damaged as well.  Since it just pops in to place after time the plastic will  eventually quit holding.  You might be able to find replacement parts from the salvage yard.  Also make sure that there is no change, candy or other junk in there preventing it from properly clipping in to place.

The rear section is bolted in place at the base and has hooks up top.  In order to remove it you remove the seat cushion, then remove the bolts/nuts at the base pull slightly outward at the bottom and push upward to get the hooks disengaged from the framework of the trunk, c-pillars.

If the top of your seat is moving around I would suspect that they are not properly hooked in to place.

The seat back should be held in by bolts/nuts on the bottom and hooks in to the frame work on the upper half.  Do you have a digital camera and a site like where you can post up pictures showing the problem you're having?  There should be studs sticking out of the floorboard or threaded sections for bolts to go in.