Dodge Repair: Crazy Problems with 92 Dodge Caravan, dodge caravan, voltage reg
Questionwhat does code 11 mean? we changed the computor last nite same problems!
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at first it was only 12 and 55 finally 11 no ignition reference signal....what is that this model doesn't have a distributor and we changed coil pack spark plugs and wires?
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Hello Again
12 is the compuiter is not sending the singail for spark.
and code 55 is test complete .
i would say again bad compuiter alos the voltage reg is in the compuiter if u are over chargeing the reg would do it to . good luck to u hun and if u need more help just let me know .
AnswerHello again
code 11 means compuiter cont. can be louse or it could be bad wireing in the harness which would be a more diagnostiac testing with a good shop compuiter or diagnostiac mech.
check the cont first.
and see what u get if this does not clear then pull the neg cable for 5 min and then hook it back up to reset the compuiter check for code.
Good luck to u hun and u have a pretty name