Dodge Repair: air condtioner dosent put out cold air, dodge dealer, air condtioner
QuestionI own a 2000 Dodge Durango it has 55k miles on it and it is a Califorina model with the small V-8 I have owned it since 20k miles on it. Ever snice I have owned it the air conditioner has never really put out cold air, I have had it in 3 times to a certfited Dodge dealer and they have charged the system and checked for leaks, checked everything through out the system and say that all is ok. I have 3 other friends that have Duragos one is a 1998, one is a 2000 and one is a 2003 and they all put out colder air then mine. My Dodge has the roof cooler for the back also, and even with that on Max and the front one on Max when the temp. outside gets to 80 deg. farenhight I must keep both A/C on Max all the time, even on long trips ( 90 min. or more) it will NOT cool the inside down enough to turn the A/C down any little bit. I have the darkend (shaded) windows all around, to help with the cooling. There seems to be little diffidence between the Max setting and the normal A/C mode. The local Dodge dealer says that there is nothing that he can find and doesn't know why this one doesn't cool down like the other Durangos. Can you help me with this problem and have you heard of this before? Thanks for taking the time to read this and get back to me, hope to hear from you soon, thanks again.
Leron Wagner
Answeractually you answered you own question... the dodge dealer "recharged and checked for leaks" sounds like at some point possibly before you even owned it someone got a small amount of room air into the system... try this replace the strainer filter in the system, have the system vaccumed out to get all the air and moisture out, then recharge. walaa ice cold air!! god bless and good luck Joe