Dodge Repair: 1998 Dodge Ram Quadcab 1500 4x4 transmission filter and fluid change proceedure, dodge ram 1500, pan gasket
QuestionI could use some information on how to change the fluid and filter in my 1998 Dodge Ram 1500 4x4 quadcab truck. It has 63,000 miles on it and in good shape. I have heard that Dodges are notorious for the transmissions going bad and I want to do some preventative maintenance. Any info you have would greatly help. thanks
you have to take off the tranny pan thiere is no dren plug so lousen the bolts all the way around and put a large pan to cath the tranny fluid then drop the pan at the parts store they can sell you new pan gasket and filter it comes in a kit . and thire filter is 4 bolts easy to change if you need more help let me know . Please rate my serivice pete