Dodge Repair: Alternator removal on a 98 Intrepid, granma, thanks in advance
QuestionMy Granma has a 98 Intrepid (3.5L) that is overcharging. She suspects the alternator so we are trying to remove it to get it tested, but the last bolt at the top doesnt have room to come out. Its stopped by the sheet metal behind it. How do you remove this bolt? Also could the computer or anything else be to blame for the overcharging of the battery? Thanks in advance.
Answerhello christopher
the motor will have to be jacked up to remove that bolt which means the bolt to motor mount will have to be removed then you can jack the motor anough to remove the alt. bolt it also could be the reg is causeing your problem that is in the compuiter . good luck to u and please rate my serivice pete