Dodge Repair: lukewarm off/on heat intrepid 1998 ES 3.2, head gasket, transmission replacement
I have asked Pete a question before about my intrepid and he was right on. Right now he is maxed out and I need help! My intrepid is not blowing hot air. The fan is working and the rad was replaced about a year ago. The engine is very slow to warm but does not over heat. Sometimes it gets hot, sometimes not. The garage told me tonight that they "think" the head gasket is leaking and creating a vacuum. This means a repair of upwards of $1500. I have not even finished paying for this car or the transmission replacement I did a year ago. I'm afraid to be taken just because I am a woman. Any cheaper ideas? Help!
Here is a cheap idea for you. Your thermostat is probally bad, around $6.00, and your cooling system needs to be flushed also. If you do it yourself pick up at least 2 gallons of antifreeze, $16.00. Otherwise you will be paying more for a garage to do it.. Ty