Dodge Repair: overheating& coolant loss, coolant loss, 1990 dodge daytona

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Question - It does appear that the oil has a creamy texture which does indicate coolant in the crankcase. Does this mean the head gasket is gone , the head is warped, or the block cracked, and how big a job am I looking at...thanks so much for you help
I have a 1990 Dodge Daytona 4 cyl. the vehicle loses coolant and thus overheats but I can not find any area of leakage and no visible puddles on the ground. The heater does produce heat but not the amount one would expect. I spent $118.00 to have a mechanic tell me he didn't know what it was. What is your opinion: heater core, rad, water pump, hoses. without any visible leaks I'm stumped.
Answer -
Check your oil, and let me know if there is coolant in the crankcase. Get back to me.. Ty

Sounds like the head gasket is bad. Well, your probally looking at 3 to 4 hours of labor to repair this. Generally here, labor runs, about $60.00 a hour. So a quess would be $250.00 in labor plus parts, generally $150.00. So around $400 to $500 to repair. Its a big job.. Ty