Dodge Repair: 2000 neon rack and pinion and reverse lights, grease job, dodge neon

I have a 2000 dodge neon. I hear a scrunching sound when I turn.  It sounds as though it is coming from the wheels.  I was told it could be the rack and pinion.  What is a rack and pinion?  Is it expensive to repair?

Also, my reverse lights do not come on.  It is not the bulbs.  I checked and changed the bulbs.  Any idea what the problem could be?  Does it sound like an expensive repair job?


hello nadine
the sound might be a good grease job on the front end it  does not sound like a rack and pinnon if that were the cast it would be very hard to stear the car .

i would have the reverse switch checked on the tranny to change the switch it would be no more than  30 dollors in my shop have that front end checked out and u get back to me hun and u have a pretty name pete