Dodge Repair: 1998 Dodge Neon, dodge neon, neon 2

I have a 1998 Dodge Neon 2.0 liter with 77,000 miles.  First thing in the morning, when I brake, they make a horrible screetching sound.  My pedal is up, fluid is up, and don't have any problem braking.  Again it only happens the first time I brake.  I was told that it is probably due to moisture and not to worry about it.  What do you think?

Thank You


The noise you hear may be normal. There a few differant kinds of breake pads being sold today, and all have there advantages. The first is the organtic pad. This type is a very soft brake pad and will need replacing in about 8 to 10 thousand miles. but this is a very quite break pad.

The next is called a metalic pad that has a mixture of metal flakes and other componds. this is a very good break pad and can last for 25 thousand miles to 45 thousand miles. They will most times come with a lifetime warranty.  These are a great long lasting pad, But... the metal in them also make them prone to rust just a little.  This is most likely the pads on your car.  The first time you hit the brakes you will start to burn the rust off and will get some noise.
This noise can be a lot or just a little depending on of all things the weather.
If you live in a dry area then you will have just a little rust ..   (little or no noise) On the other hand if you live in Atlanta or New Orleans you will have a lot of rust and will get a lot of noise.
The answer to you problem may be in getting the third kind of break pad , called a simi metalic pad. This tries to mix the best of both pads. sometimes you will still get a little noise but for the most part they are a lot less likley to make noise on the first stop.

I hope this helps out

Good luck, and God bless

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