Dodge Repair: 96 caravan heater blower motor problem, dodge caravan, luck steve
Question1996 dodge caravan es 3.8L blower motor problem
Sometimes there is a delay before the blower starts. After it starts once it will work good all day at all speeds. When it doesn't start there is no voltage on any of the fan switch terminals. Here is the weird part. Now the fan will run with the key off and out. Nothing else will run with the key off .Radio, wipers,heater vents, windows, etc. I looked for a stuck or defective relay ,but couldn't find a blower relay .I repair high tech machinery, so I'll be able to try anything you suggest.
Thank You
Walter Martin
AnswerWalter, It sounds like the blower resistor may need to be checked. the fan is fed 12 volts all the time. the way the system works is through a ground that is run through a resistor. if your resistor is going bad it could give the same problem you are getting.
Good luck,