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Question -
My 74 Dart had been sitting for 10 mos and just needed a fuel pump. Since I have another car I just got around to it, but I couldn't find the keys! My son then tried to hotwire it but it wouldnt start and we left it overnight. Oops! He left all the wires hooked up (except the one to the starter) The battery was drained in the morning, and then when we recharged it, the hotwires would do nothing. We tested the wires and there is power coming into them. The starter kicks over via the relay but the car still doesnt start...(the new fuel pump works fine). The starter wire is yellow, the battery wire red. Black & blue are accessories. There is a brown wire which I'm fairly sure is the ignition wire: when touched to the battery wire the ignition "clicks". There is also a "control module" on this car (whatever that is), and it has an electronic ignition. So what happened and how do we fix? Something got fried?
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If the starter justs clicks then the problem may be in the starter or the relay. Tap on the starter with a small hammer or something and see if it will turn over. if not check that you are getting power to the large wire going to the starter(red) if so then check the small wire and check to see if you get 12 volts on crank up .
Write back and let me know what you find,
The starter turns over via the relay--no problem there. We were able to crank it from inside the car with the hotwires until my son left them hooked up overnight. (didn't leave the starter wire hooked up though) They still get power to them. Please re-read my original question for more info. I'm wondering what we fried. I'm still looking for the keys, so we can't start it via the relay trick without the key in the on position. Adina
AnswerThis problem has many things that could cause the problems you have You may need to back up and start from the begining. does the car have fire at the plugs? is the car getting fuel? are any wires burned ? is the starter resistor blow out? this may be something to check first. Its hard to say that if what has happened is a result of the hot wiring or the battery charging or just something else that happened to fail at the wrong time .
Whenever I run into something like this ots best for me to back up and start over with the basics.
Good luck and sorry I dont have the magic answer here but there are just too many things that could give you the same outcome.