Dodge Repair: a voyager minivan wont start, air intake hose, luck steve
Questionplymouht voyager wont start and there is not current at the coil terminal when the switch is on. year make 1994 2.5 engine. an I cant find the burnout fuseable link where are they?
AnswerMr Lopez,
The coil does not have power on it untill you crank the motor, After you crank the motor for 20 seconds and if the computer does not see the motor start then it shuts down the realy. Check for spark at the plug wires while you have someone crank the motor over. If you dont have spark let me know and I can go from there and help you find the problem.
you may want to check the relay
Also the fuse links are behind the batter just below the black air intake hose.
Good luck,