Dodge Repair: Engline light, mass flow sensor, mass air flow sensor
QuestionI have a dodge neon 95 whose engine light keeps going on and off. When the engine light is on, the car occasionally resists acceleration for a few moments and then runs smoothly again. I am thinking there might be something wrong with the air mass flow sensor or oxygen flow sensor. But I don't know how to find them in or on the engine.
AnswerThe first thing you need to do is have the car put on a computer and find out what codes are in the computer. The computer looks at hunderes of things per second and if it sees something that is not right it will turn the check engine light on. for example if you are driving at 55 mph and the computer sees this this, it would be normal(no light on) But if while driving at 55mph the computer also sees the gear shift sensor in park this would not be normal. You cant drive 55mph and be in park at the same time. the computer will then turn the light on.
What you would then do is find out if the code was the speed sensor (How the computer knows your going 55mph)or the gear shift sensor. Once you know what code you have then you cant start to repair it.
Your problems may be in the o2 sensor but you have two of them. Or it may be a miss Fire code. as expensive as computer parts are you don't want to just start guessing.
Your car does not have a mass air flow sensor.
Find the code and let me know what you find and then we can get it fixed.
Good luck,