Dodge Repair: speed sensor on dodge avenger transmission, 1998 dodge avenger, dodge avenger

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Question -
i just replace a 1998 dodge avenger transmission 2.0l 4cyl. i think the speed sensor is bad on it. i went to go and order another speed sensor but there is 2 different types of speed sensors to buy. an input sensor and an output sensor. do i buy both or just one. if so which one. thanks for your help. -kenneth ventresca
Answer -

I need to know what sensor you tested and how you came to think its bad,

Is the car is not staring? then you may need the crank sensor, (input Sensor) Does it star but go into limp in mode?

most times the trans input sensor is the problem or the crank sensor. if you have not tested anything and are just making a guess then I would start with the input. but you should think about have the trans codes check since the sensors are not cheep. not to mention a pain in the butt to install.


thanks for the reply, i dont know to much about this car, the car starts fine but if i put the car in drive then yeah i guess it will go in limp mode. it accelerates real slow in second, then the rpms will go to about 4000 or 5000 and if i let of the gas a hair it will shift into third or sometimes it will just stay in second. some times i accelerate and tap the gas petal a hair doing like 5mph and the tranny will kick in to first. id say the majority of the time the tranny is in second, does this help.  its my girlfriends car  and i tried to be the hero instaling her a new tranny, but i think i am just going to stick to big blocks from now on.

You can still be a hero. it just may cost you a little more money.

Have the computer checked and see what code you have.  if you cant do that then replace the input and output sensor.

But you will be just guessing.

Good luck,


P.S. Big blocks are a lot nicer to work on