Dodge Repair: chech engine light 92 dodge colt, dodge colt, gearshift lever

check engine light comes on intermittantly. if i turn the car off and restart it it goes off. the car appears to be running fine. but after a while the light comes on again. can you help me please?!

The check engine light is comming on because the computer is seeing something that is not normal. This could be one of over a hundred things.

The computer check all the systems many times a second, if it reads something that is out of wack it turns the light on.  For example. if you are driving at 50 mph and the computer sees this this would be normal(no light on) but if while driving at 50 mph the computer sees the gearshift lever in park while driving at 50 . this cant happen . You cant be in park and driving at 50mph.  (not normal,Light on)
When you turn the car off and restart it you are turning the computer off also.(rebooting )  this is the same as your home computer. sometimes when it acts funny you restart it and it will work fine .

The answer is to have the car hooked up to a computer and find out what the trouble code is and they replace or fix the bad part.
if the example i gave you was true the mechanic would see a trouble code for the speed sensor or the gearshif position sensor and replace one of those parts . Then he would reset the computer and you would be on your way

Hope this helps,
