Dodge Repair: Front end shimmy, dodge dart swinger, tie rod ends

Someone gave me a 74 Dodge Dart Swinger 2 dr hdtp w/ slant 6 225 automatic. It was running until about 5 months ago and then the guy parked it. Getting it running is not the problem, the guy told me it has a serious front end shimmy. He says it's the steering box, I think possibly the tie rods. I should also probably get a front end alignment and check the U joint(?)What do you think and how should I proceed? A Checklist would be helpful. Also, what are the interchangeable yrs for parts--the body doesnt seem to have changed much, so do I just need to look for another 225? The parts store guys act like they can't find parts. (like a fuel filter!)Or maybe it's because I'm a woman...
I like this slant 6, easy to work on. Good solid car.Thanks for being here for us. DJ

Hello debbie
the check you want to do is first .
check the tie rod ends and ball joints
no. 2 check plat in stearling box. and aso check the tires and rims this can cause a shimmy to.
and check the u joints to see if louse or play.

They were a very good car one of the best motors ever bult . When you go to the parts store just be firm with them give them all what u know and tell them you know what u are talking about and just be firm.
If you have any troule let me know i will help you if the stearling box is bad you can get a used out od a sallavge yard . Good luck to u hun and if you have any more troulble let me know will be glad to help you . you have a very pretty name . and i mean that pete