Dodge Repair: Valves, valve job, senser
QuestionI own a 95 Grand Prix with the 3.1 litre engine. I recently had a map sensor go bad and put it on a machine to find this problem. I replaced this sensor and then replaced the plugs and wires on this car. The car is running really bad with a skip in the motor. I took it back to the same person who put it back on the computer again, but came up with no errors. I was informed that my car has a burnt valve. I was hoping that maybe you would have some idea of anything else it could be besides that. I'm willing to try anything that doesn't cost as much as I've been told this repair will run me. Any ideas?
Answerhello susan
i cant belive this how was the car runung before . i would replace the cam senser first . and susan bring it to another shop . have them check the wires one could be crossed u never know what pelople do to make it look like a valve job Good luck to u hun and u have a pretty name pete