Dodge Repair: 1997 Dodge Stratus wont start, dodge stratus, sensor error
QuestionOkay, we have a 1997 Dodge Stratus 4 cyc, that broke down about 1 1/2 years ago, we saved up to have it repaired, (head job) then it was working fine for about 2 weeks, 600 miles, then while my husband was driving home from work it completely shut off while doing 70mph on freeway, towed it home had 2 mechinic come over, they checked it with a computer plug in reader, came back with a coil and sensor error, we went and bought the new pairs but it still doesn't work, it has spark and you can smell gas no strong, but you can smell, it clicks like it wants to turn over but won't. Any help would be so well helpful, I'm feeling a little unsure since 2 mechinics have all looked it over, but you have a 32 year background. Thank you so much, Tammy
Answerhello tammy
the first thing i want you to do is pull off the pos cable off the battery and then out back on . try it then if it does not go it is a flued motor so now u have to pull all spark plugs out pull the coil wire off so u dont get spark then turn the over on till all the gas is out of the cyls and then wipe gas off spark plugs and then put the plugs back in i bet it will start wright up it might run rough for a min. or two but it will straghten out . good luck to you hun and you have a pretty name pete