Dodge Repair: 89 Chrysler New Yorker putt putts, chrysler new yorker, putt putts

I have a 1989 chrysler new yorker.  Its been running well this cold winter in Virginia.  It has 144,000 miles.  I recently gave it an oil change, air filter change.  The coolant and transmission fluid levels seem to be fine.  The car doesn't overheat and is at proper running temperature.

The gas mileage economy seems to steadily be getting worse over the last year.  I don't know if it is because gas is lower quality at higher prices, or if my car isn't being as efficient with gas.  my friend has the same car and he gets like 28mpg and mine says its getting about 18mpg.

But my real question and worry is this.  In the last 2 days my car broke down 5 times.  the car will be fine if i keep going a fast steady 55mph and the gears are not shifting.  but if i'm going 25-35, then sometimes, the car will just shut off quietly. It happens anytime and randomly it seems.  When it cuts off i am able to spray some starting fluid, wait 10 minutes and get it to fire.  But it'll only go down the road a little ways before it quietly dies again.  once it dies it is difficult to get restarted.  if i wait a while or leave the car sitting, and then try starting it later it'll start right up.  The starter sounds fine.

What would cause my car to die out suddenly and so quietly, and then be so difficult to start up immediately after?  You think its bad spark plugs or plug wires?  but then why would it be fine after sitting a while?  my friend said it might be a bad sensor...but i don't know.

Its been over a year since i changed spark plugs and plug wires.

what does my distributor and alternator do and would they have anything to do with my problem?

I'm open to any ideas.  the car display doesn't show any light-up warnings or error messages that anything is wrong with my car.  Really i'd like to go through an elimination process and pin point what is causing it.  Then i can focus on fixing it myself or paying to have it fixed.

I appreciate any advice you have to offer.


Hello Matt
this is a senser no dout about that in my mind it is not plugs or wires in just over a year . it could be a pluged catlaic converter would also make it shift hard. But i would first get a diagnostic test to see if it is for sure a senser pete