Eagle Repair: auto trans no reverse, auto base, shift transmission
Questionim looking at buying a 89 or 90 ( the guys not sure) talon i couldnt get it into reverse on the test drive. the guy said it does reverse but its tricky as the shift cable is stretched. can this be true or is this guy full of bs to sell his car?? (auto base model)
AnswerSounds like a BS story to me. IF the cable WERE stretched you would have problems in getting it into PARK, Neutral and 1st gear assumin that this is an AUTOMATIC transmission.
IF it is a STANDARD shift transmission and IF the shifting of the gears has CABLES, Which is unusual as most all vehicles have metal linkages, It is possible that the reverse linkage is screwed up.
BE CAREFUL on this one.
Without actually having access personally to this vehicle I would ask to have a transmission shop look at it FIRST.