Eagle Repair: Starts sometimes, sometimes not, throttle position sensor, bad throttle position sensor

Not an eagle, but same engine.1993 Plymouth laser, 1.8l, non-turbo, single overhead cam.(daughter's car, uses to commute to college.) Car became hard to start and ran poorly. Computer showed a bad throttle position sensor, changed tps, cleared computer, car wouldn't start. Checked spark, had none. Changed distributor, still no spark. Put original distributor back in car, started and ran great. Now car starts sometimes and sometimes not.Car hasn't stalled yet, but I"m afraid it will. I suspect the possiblity of a bad key switch, bad harness connection, or bad relay, if equipped. Computer now shows no trouble codes. Any suggestions?

Hi Roy

Sorry about the delay in my reply, if the computer has not showed any errors after replacing all the above components you mentioned, I would suspect the computer it self. The fact that the car has no spark and that the fault seems to be interrmitant could show that the computer is busy failing.

Hope this helps
