Ford Repair: Oil leak and truck randomly died

I have a couple of questions. First, my 2002 Ford Ranger has a small oil leak. I am not sure when it started, but every morning after my husband drives off to work I notice 3 small drops on the garage floor. It is definitely oil. I bought blue devil oil stop leak and used it as directed. This decreased the leak from 3 drips to one, but only for about 3 days. Now for some reason instead of an oil drip, I see more of an oil splatter on the garage floor. The oil seems to be thinner, and the rather than a round dot of oil, it looks like it was sprayed. Any idea why this could be?

Now I have another question more related to Ford. The truck seems to be running fine. It only has 80,000 miles on it. Last week it randomly died at a stop light. I was able to start it right back up, and it hasn't stalled anymore since. Any idea what could have caused it to stall just that once? I know that isn't much information. Just seems weird that it only stalled that one time and seems perfectly fine. Thanks for any advice!

Hi Anna,
There could have been an air bubble in the fuel line that happened to go thru when you stopped. Yes you can get air in the fuel line. Don't happen often.
The oil leak would be tricky for me to answer but let me give you some tips. Some one needs to get under the truck with a flash light. See where the oil is at at the highest point on engine. That is where you need to look around. I could be so many things. Check the drain plug is tight on oil pan. Also check oil filter. Let me know if this helps you at all. Thank you