Ford Repair: 2003 ford taurus transmission, friction modifier, drive locks

I have a 2003 taurus with 63000 miles and the other day I stepped on the gas to make a light but decided to stop and layed on the brakes hard,then after a complete stop I went to make a turn and the engine just revved up for a couple seconds and then the transmission engaged.Could there be something wrong with the torque converter? The car has been fine the last couple of days,but I am worried that this is the first sign of a problem.I have seen alot of other complaints about this transmission and torque converter.Should I change fluid and filter and use friction modifier,or should I start thinking about replacing the torque converter? What is involved in changing the torque converter?

first thing to do is to check your fluid level. by the sounds of what happen, the sudden accell then stop. the fluid in the pan all went to one side and you caused and air pocket in the trans  pump. if there was a problem with the torque converter you would have either of two issues. a shudder when the over drive locks up or the vehicle would not move at all. as far as changing the fluid. it is due every 60,000 miles on that vehicle and adding a bottle of friction modifier won't hurt.