Ford Repair: Lincoln Manifold intake?, shade tree mechanics, 2004 lincoln ls

I drive a 2004 Lincoln LS (bought new) which has only 17,000 mies on it .  Medical problems limit my driving to about 15 mile radius trips. For the past year, occasionally there has been a problem starting the engine after a short period of shut or cold.  It doesn't kick over until I turn ignition orr, flood, then it will restart.  Shade tree mechanics tell me that it is either manifold or fuel pump.  Told them I'd ask an expert.  Can you help.  6 cyl, 3.0 engine (feedback fuel system). Thank you.  Bob

you have eith of 2 things going on or a combination of both.take it to your local ford dealer. 99 percent sure there is a pcm recalibration for this concern. second, it is most likely that you have oil leaking in to the spark plug tubes from the upper valve cover. very common concern.