Ford Repair: 2006 Ford Escape noise, 2006 ford escape, noise question
QuestionQUESTION: I have a 2006 Ford Escape V6 AWD LTD, automatic. Within the past 2 months or so it has started sometimes making a "banging" noise coming from the left front area. The noise seems to be faster as the vehicle moves faster. Sometimes it does not make the noise. Sometimes it stops making the noise. And sometimes it starts up after I have been driving for a while and have stopped at a light or in traffic. Sometimes the noise is very low and sometimes it is very loud. I cannot hear it when the windows are down (too much wind?). And mostly the noise happens between 30mph and 60mph. Thanks for your help!
ANSWER: does the noise happen or most noticeable over bumps or rough roads and are the any warning indicators on the dash board ie... the abs or check engine light staying on
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: It does not give any indication of when it will start or stop. There are no lights coming on and the noise does affect the functioning of the vehicle. It almost sounds like a metal banging. It made the noise for aproximately 15 minutes of my 40 minute commute this morning. It makes no difference in the road condition or hills/bumps and the temperature outside also does not make it better or worse.
AnswerNot being there and hearing it makes it a little difficult but, the most common concern for this type of noise especially from escapes are the front stabilizer links. they become loose/worn over time and cause a metallic type rattling noise from the front of the vehicle. they are very inexpensive to replace as the part is so common. try this and please keep me posted.. take care -b-