Ford Repair: 02 Explorer Sport - died & wont start now, coil pack, wire connector

My awesome Explorer, has 174k miles & has been very little trouble over the last 5yrs. I have kept up with everything to ensure it was in good health because I drive the hell out of it! But yesterday I got gas (was close to empty)and when I went to leave, it started just fine then about 15 seconds later as I was about to put it in gear to leave, it shuddered then died.  When I went to crank it back up... it tried to start but just wouldn't.  Initially the theory was water in the gas I had just put in due to being so low on fuel & the weight of water vs. gas, but when my dad (who was a mechanic many years ago# got it to my house he said it sounded as if it wasn't "getting fire."  He discussed this with my fiance #light wheel mechanic for the Army... and who will be doing the work on it) about the cause being the coil pack.  Now I have been through hell with my previous 2 vehicles & every time I fixed something another thing would break. I trust my dad & fiance because of their experience & significantly more knowledge on the subject than I but I'm naturally leery of something I've never encountered before.  I just wanted to get the opinion from someone who works on Fords regularly.  Because of my past experience & my dad's knowledge, I have helped with almost all of the repairs and general maintenance on my vehicles... this being no exception.  I guess that is another reason I am soliciting an additional opinion before I go out & buy something which may or may not fix the problem.  Because I drive so much it is imperative I get my dear SUV fixed quickly and correctly.

I thank you so very much for taking the time to help me out! :)


i need to know which engine is in this vehicle. try these three things first though. on top of the intake is what is called an idle valve. silver in color with a two wire connector going to it. tap on it a few times with a small hammer while cranking engine over. if that doesnt work. disconnect the air flow meter and try starting it. this sensor is located in the air tube coming from the air cleaner to throttle body. should that fail, find the fuel inertia switch, should be located on the pass side where your feet would be, disconnect it ad jump the two pins together with a paper clip. get back to me either way.... -b-